Our Menu

Cakes with Icing: whipped cream, butter cream

Orange, zucchini, coconut, strawberry, Vanilla, Carrot, chocolate, banana, Chocolate, Orio cake, chocolate fudge, Caramel, death by chocolate, red velvet, chocolate mint,

KSh 0.5KG-1300, 1KG-1900, 1.5KG-2800, 5KG - 8900

Sponge cakes with Icing: whipped cream, butter cream

Black forest, white forest, passion forest, red velvet, coffee nutty, blue berry, tutti frutti, death by chocolate, orange chiffon, lime forest, pina colada, lemon chiffon, butterscotch, mocha cake

KSh 0.5KG-1300, 1KG-1900, 1.5KG-2800, 5KG - 8800

Cakes without Icing

Orange, zucchini, coconut, strawberry, Vanilla, Carrot, chocolate, banana.

KSh 0.5KG-500, 1KG-1000, 1.5KG-2100, 5KG - 5000

Cheese cake

KSh 0.5KG-1900, 1KG-2500, 1.5KG-3300, 5KG - 9700

Amaretti Cookie

Small, crunchy, chewy-inside, macaroon-like cookies made with almond flour, egg whites, and sugar

Chocolate Tarts

also known as chocolate cream pie, is a dessert consisting of dark chocolate, cream and eggs, beaten together, poured into a crisp, sweetened pastry shell and baked until firm.

Macaroon Cookie

a small cake or cookie, typically made from ground almonds, coconut or other nuts, with sugar and sometimes flavorings, food coloring, glacé cherries, jam or a chocolate coating

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